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There are 33 comments.

Entry added 12/16/2011 1:54:00 PM
Name: Mark Edgar

Didn't see the Email prompting us to make our picks this week. As a result, I missed last night. Could be the difference in the end.


Entry added 11/02/2011 7:01:09 PM
Name: Roger Rocek
Haven't been able to open the results page this week. Keep getting a message that Internet Explorer can't display the webpage. Help????

Entry added 11/16/2010 9:04:30 PM
Name: Administrator
Some players may have missed some games in previous weeks or current week. Players aren’t penalized for games they didn’t pick, however they miss out an opportunity to gain an extra win. Final results are based on Total Wins, then Total %. If still tied, the leaders go into the playoffs until a winner is determined.

Entry added 11/16/2010 8:21:24 AM
Name: ziggyco
Why do crowbar & MsScandia show a record of 85-58 And myself and others show a record of 85-59?

Entry added 09/08/2010 5:52:40 PM
Name: Rick Aus
can we get rid of the crowbár and just put in regular crowbar without the accolades so i can make my pics

Entry added 09/08/2010 2:56:23 PM
Name: Honda
Hey, I tried to sign up but after entering the color of the first character I hit the ''Sign up'' button but nothing happens.


Entry added 01/04/2010 1:37:14 PM
Name: Randy Moss
''Super Bowl Homeboy''

Entry added 11/15/2009 10:07:31 PM
Name: greg
purple pillars or purple pillagers

Entry added 01/03/2009 2:52:36 AM
Name: Pat Beatty
Hi-Where are the rest of our name so we can make our picks this week??

Entry added 12/31/2007 5:06:10 AM
Name: VIKINGS9926


Entry added 09/07/2007 8:16:40 PM
Name: Administrator
The table is dynamically created from a database. By picking the majority decision, I believe this would create an unfair advantage and removes any tiebreaking decision with the natural decision to favor the majority. It may also increase greater odds of ties.

Entry added 09/07/2007 3:06:47 PM
Name: Dave Emrick
This has probably come up before? What kind of a table does the picksheet/etc. use? I was wondering while viewing picks which team each week/each game is picked by the majority of contestants? Maybe at the bottom of the sheet the team that the majority picked could be displayed. Would this affect the outcome? It would give players kind of an ''ask the audience'' lifeline/gutcheck. On the other hand it may be not worth it. Just curious.


Entry added 08/16/2007 1:12:31 AM
Name: Blake E Griffin
won't let me register

Entry added 01/10/2007 1:51:57 AM
Name: saxon
Thanks for another fun year. One of these years I might just win this darned thing! Thanks, Rodney, and Go VIKINGS!


Entry added 08/03/2006 7:22:37 AM
Name: Jack
Regards by Very well job here with that website! Congratulations, I love it very much. I really appreciate your work here.
Warm regards Jack!

Entry added 08/02/2006 6:34:10 PM
Name: Mike
Very good site! I like it! I just wanted to pass a note to let you know what a great job you have done with this site. Thanks!
Warm regards Mike!

Entry added 12/30/2005 11:29:03 PM
Name: Rodney Stowell
Thank you for the comments. I look forward to doing this again next season.

Entry added 12/08/2005 11:17:06 PM
Name: Steve
I see you're thinking the streak will end this week!

Entry added 09/05/2005 8:52:21 AM
Name: Michelle
Rodney - I am so excited that I have finally found your website - I used to do email pick and I lost your email a few years back and didn't know how to get back in touch with you. Hope all is

Entry added 08/19/2005 7:45:27 AM
Name: Nam
You guys have a good site! I was wondering if you would want to exchange links with us! We already added your great site!

Skol Vikes!

Entry added 08/11/2004 6:55:14 AM
Name: joel
Thanks for running this contest.

Entry added 12/24/2003 7:54:44 AM
Name: Steve aka Hillbilly Vike
Wishing you a very merry ''purple'' Christmas and a happy Next Year!

I've enjoyed (as always) playing the pick pool contest with all my Viking brothers and sisters!

Thanks for keeping it up and running!!

Entry added 12/16/2003 0:19:54 AM
Name: SwoboVike
Seems the contest is sorted by Wins only. Is that the criteria? I was out of town one week and forgot to get my picks in so now I never have a chance to catch up. Seems winner should be chosen by winning percentage with a minimum number of weeks choosing. But no big deal - it's just for fun. It takes M-U-C-H less time than fantasy leagues but still helps you watch other games to see where your picks fall. I have done better than I thought I would! Wonderful site - you've come a LONG way since the first games on the mailing list......

Entry added 08/27/2003 8:58:38 AM
Name: RazorVike
Just stumbled on your site and am excited about joining the competition. Just curious though. This week's schedule (denoted as week 1) is the final preseason game. Does this count? Did the previous preseason games count. what's up?

Entry added 12/31/2002 7:05:17 AM
Name: Saskatchewan Flatlanders
Another terrific season. I have had an enormous amount of fun again this year and I am already looking forward to next year. Take care of yourself and we will be in touch once the new season begins.
Rick Ferguson

Entry added 11/15/2002 1:11:21 AM
Name: Ken
I hate the site! Just kidding, it is great, I just thought I would scare you, and with a name like mine.....
For a moment I thought I had an idea for the email issue, but just as quickly it died. I will talk to you about it later though, at TG

Entry added 08/30/2002 7:11:42 PM
Name: Legend
The website is awesome... i am extremely impressed.. much better then any other pick em website i have seen.

Entry added 07/31/2002 1:41:48 AM
Name: Bob Newton
Rodney, Rodney, Rodney .... You've been a busy boy this summer. WOW! I love the look of the website. Totally Nordic. Both of my grandparents emigrated from Minnesota to Saskatchewan, so I'm kind of partial to the Nordic theme. Way to go! All this work deserves a reward and I mentioned it to you last year, but this year I'm going to see to it. Please send me your mailing address and I WILL SEND YOU a Saskatchewan Roughrider cap as a token of my appreciation of all the hard work you've done. REALLY! And just so you know, as a kid I followed the Vikings cause they were the closest team and the only NFL team we ever saw on TV here in Saskatchewan, but then in the 70's I smartened up and have been cheering for the Seahawks ever since. Actually ever since the Seahawks drafted an OL by the name of Bob Newton. Go figure! Wouldn't you have done the same? So over the year's I've still followed the Vikings and have hoped for the best, but the Seahawks will never face the Vikings in the Super Bowl thanks to re-alignment. BUT we can hope for an NFC Championship showdown. Thanks for all your work Rodney. I hope your family is well. Take care, God Bless. Sincerely, Bob Newton

Entry added 07/29/2002 2:01:56 AM
Name: Vikingsmaniac_22
Rodney, you run a great ship here!!! Love the new site, it looks great. Looking forward to another great season of Vikings football.

Entry added 07/28/2002 7:09:14 PM
Hey Rodney, I like the new look!!! Glad you are running this contest again, looking forward to it.

Entry added 07/28/2002 2:10:36 PM
Name: Anglo Vike
Now I know that the season is nearly here - Game Vike has got the now annual pick pool contest up and running. Nice site and well worth the work you've put in Rodney. Let the games begin and good luck to all . Skol !!!

Entry added 07/28/2002 1:26:30 PM
Name: Bryan
Rodney-- I want to commend you on a great looking website. I am highly impressed, and love the layout. Well done, Bryan

Entry added 03/20/2002 9:42:14 PM
Name: Vikings Contest Administrator
Please feel free to leave any comments about this contest or Whatever you post will be mentioned on this site and it will also send me an email. If there is anything posted that I feel is inappropriate, it will be removed.

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